Russisches Anwedertreffen in Moskau (Russland) - 6/10/14
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- News (incl. update on CL resin) - Steffen Happel, TrisKem International, France.
- Применение новых экстракционных смол компании Triskem для разделения радиоизотопов иридия и платины - Мадумаров Александр Шавкатович, ОИЯИ.
- Innovative liquid Scintillation Counting cocktails, Shaun Smyth – Meridian Biotechnologies Ltd, England.
- On the separation of Sc, Zr and Ga - Steffen Happel, TrisKem International, France.
- Rapid methods for the analysis of environmental, decommissioning and bioassay samples – an update - Steffen Happel, TrisKem International, France.
- Сорбция ряда элементов на смоле UTEVA - Философов Дмитрий Владимирович, ОИЯИ.
- Developments with the pyrolyser and HBO system, Shaun Smyth – Meridian Biotechnologies Ltd, England.
- Rapid determination of Pb-210 and Sr-90 in water samples using new crown-ether based extraction chromatographic resins - Steffen Happel, TrisKem International, France.