TKI Workshop at 65 RRMC in Atlanta (USA) - 03/11/2022

Dear Users,
we were happy to hold a technical workshop at the RRMC for the first time this year.
We would like to cordially thank all participants for joining us, and all presenters for sharing their work!
Presentations can be found below.
Your TrisKem Team
Presenter - Organism - Title |
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Aude Bombard - TrisKem - New Developments in TrisKem |
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Samantha Labb - Colorado State University - Development of a Sodium Bismuthate-Coated Polyacrylonitrile Resin for the Separation of Oxidized Americium from Curium |
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Ralf Sudowe/Maelle Coupannec - Colorado State University - Optimization of Radioanalytical Methods for the Determination of Radium in Process Water Samples from the Oil & Gas Industry |
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Steffen Happel - TrisKem - Overview and new Developments RadPharm & on-going R&D |
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