
Reagents for environmental monitoring, bioassay, geochemistry, radiopharmacy and decommissioning


TrisKem International is well known manufacturer of extraction chromatographic resins which are standard methods in environmental monitoring and bioassay analysis used by worldwide accredited laboratories. Our company equally provides resins to facilitate the analyses which accompany the decommissioning of nuclear installations.


The high selectivity of our resins not only allows the analysis of standard alpha and beta emitters (actinides, Sr-89/90, Ni-63, Tc-99,…) from high matrix samples including concrete, spent resin, but also the determination of so called difficult-to-measure (DTM) radionuclides such as Sn-121m/Sn-126, Zr-93,


We are constantly working on developing new methods according to your needs. Methods for the following radionuclides are currently under development: Se-79, Sb-125, Cs-135, Nb-93m/Nb-94, Ag-108m, Pd-107, … For more information please find here enclosed a flyer summarizing technical information about some of the resins used in the analysis of decommissioning samples.


Besides the resins used for analysis of decommissioning samples, TrisKem International also offers a range of PAN based resins used for the decontamination of radioactively contaminated waters and effluents.


Our R&D team is working on the development of new resins and methods in order to help you with your separation needs. Having a special separation need, willing to participate in a R&D project or looking for a partner to commercialize a new technology you have developed, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@triskem.fr






Extraction Chromatography

AC Resin Actinides separation / gross alpha measurement, Be
CL Resin Cl-36, radioiodine, Ag
DGA Resin Am, Actinides, Y, Sc, Ra/Ac
DGA Sheets Radionuclide screening
LN Resin Series Lanthanide separations, Ra-228
Ni Resin Ni-59/63, Pd
PB Resins Pb
Prefilter Resin  Organic traces removal
RE Resin REE, Y
SR Resin Sr, Pb, Po
TBP Resin Sn-121m/126, Zr-93, Actinides
TEVA Resin Tc, Pu, Th, Np, Am/Lanthanides
TK100/1 Resin Direct Sr, Pb, Ra
TK102 Resin Sr, Pb, Pb
TK200 Resin Actinides
TK201 Resin Tc-99, Re, Cu, Fe, Pu
TK202 Resin Tc-99, Re
TK221 Resin Am, lanthanides
TK225 Resin Lanthanides removal from effluents
TK400 Resin Pa, Nb, Mo, Ga, Fe
TRU Resin Am/Cm, Pu, U, Fe, Th, Pa, Np 
TK-TcScint Tc-99
UTEVA Resin U, Th, Np, Pu, Zr-93
ZR Resin Zr-93, Ti


Ion Exchange Chromatography

CS Resins Cs-134/7
Anion Exchange Resins Pu, Preconcentration
Cation Exchange Resins Preconcentration 
Monophos Resin   Actines and transition metals
Tritium Columns  H-3


Accessories for Chromatography 

Columns Accessories for Columns
Cartridges Accessories for Cartridges/Vacuumbox


Sample Preparation  

Nucfilm Discs Ra-226
Resolve Filters Microprecipitation
Ag and Ni  Discs Autodeposition
Autodepositions Kits Autodeposition
Stainless Steel Discs  Electrodeposition 
Zr Crucibles NaOH Fusion
LSC Consumables Liquid Scintillation Counting

 *Main Applications are shown in orange 




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